Thursday 1 October 2015

DIY Braces... Don't be a moron

This is an Urgent Update

I read an article today on social media that said people are doing their own braces.

I could not believe this was actually true so I just spent the last 30 minutes on Google and low and behold,  its true.

Turns out the Mirror had done an article last month. I missed that but I did not miss the Facebook post. Quite possibly because of the photos attached.

I have worked in Orthodontics as a nurse and treatment coordinator along side Orthodontic specialists.

Lets get one thing straight. Only qualified Dentists and Specialist Orthodontists should be doing things to your teeth. That includes whitening, filling and straightening.

For your knowledge it takes approx. 10 years to become an Orthodontist. 10 YEARS.  You have to qualify as a Dentist primarily and then continue on to specialise in Orthodontics.

Orthodontics is a complicated aspect of dentistry. If not done by a qualified professional it can cause permanent damage. This damage can include damaging nerves, damaging the roots, losing teeth, damaging your gums and your jaw.

Teeth and gums do not grow back.
Once you loose gum or your permanent dentition it is gone forever.

Its not like hair. We can get over that bad colour choice, grow out that undercut but the consequences of DIY braces are irreversible.

Teeth need to be moved in a certain way with a small amount of force which is monitored by the clinician. When you start wrapping dental floss around your teeth or using small plastic hair bands you have no idea what amount of pressure you are placing. If too much is placed you can literally rip your teeth out of your mouth. Sometimes its not possible for a professional to put them back.

People are cutting their gums in a serious way causing tissue damage.

There are countless videos on You Tube going back several years. This is not a new phenomenon. These so called DIY, Self help ( self sabotage ) tutorials are being narrated by teenagers and adults alike. You can easily find brace kits on line which I think need to be banned ASAP. However, I have seen people suggesting you use putty, dental floss, backs of earnings and other random house hold items to "correct" your smile.

I completely understand how people feel about their teeth if they are not straight. However, I know I would rather have crooked teeth than no teeth. Some smile issues can not be fixed by simply moving the teeth, in some cases the jaws need to be expanded or realigned. If you do not know what problems you actually have how can you assume to know how to fix them? Another point to add is say by some miracle you move your teeth without breaking them, how do you expect to keep them there? Retention is a massive part of brace treatment. Although I fear these idiots online have found another home remedy for retainers.

I sympathise that braces are expensive. In the UK the NHS will provide braces for children under 18 if they meet a criteria. Your dentition has to be of a certain classification to qualify for the free treatment. If your problems are solely aesthetic and not functional then you will not qualify.

Brace treatment can be anything from £2000-£10000. Lots of practices do offer 0% finance and payment plans. Many places will offer a free consultation and will be able to provide you with a quotation so you can plan your payments or wait and save.

The whole thing is ludicrous. I'm going to be harsh here but if you attempt to brace your own teeth you are a complete moron.


Another idiotic thing I have personally seen is people trying to remove fixed braces themselves at home.

The results can include you breaking your teeth and removing your enamel. Again once the tooth is broken or the enamel is removed it will never grow back. You will need to have fillings/veneers/crowns to fix  the issue. All of this can be very costly.

I really don't know what else to say.

Please kids, don't try this at home


  1. Do you know of anyone that has tried DIY braces? Any feedback/results?

  2. Do you know of anyone that has tried DIY braces? Any feedback/results?
